Written by Karina Sujatmiko, Okumura Lab D1
My name is Karina Aprilia Sujatmiko. People usually call me by my nickname, Alin. I am from Indonesia and my hometown is in Bandung. I am working as lecturer at Oceanography Research Group, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology in Bandung Institute Technology (https://www.itb.ac.id/staff/view/karina-aprilia-sujatmiko-wtys) . Currently, I live in Japan to take a doctoral degree (Phd) at Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences in Kansai University-Takatsuki Muse Campus.

I met my supervisor, Yoshihiro Okumura-sensei, in 2018. When we were collaborated to conduct the field survey after Tsunami Palu. We also published a paper about this survey (https://www.fujipress.jp/jdr/dr/dsstr0013sc20181204/). There are still many interesting and important things that need to be learned about multi-hazard disaster in Palu. That is one of the reasons why I study at Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences and choose research topic about multi-hazard disaster mitigation and prevention. I hope during my doctoral degree not only I learn about safety sciences but also create many new friendship and experience Japanese culture.

Figure 2. Field survey after Tsunami Palu in 2018. a) Meeting before the survey. b) conducting interview with survivor. c) measuring and collecting data.