日本ハンガリー外交関係開設150周年事業:古墳ミュオグラフィプロジェクト、「古墳フェスはにコット」に参加 2019.11/17(日)10:00-16:00 今城塚古墳にて- The 150th anniversary commemoration of the diplomatic relationship between Hungary and Japan – Kofun Muography Project will participate in “Kofun Festival Hanicott” On 10:00-16:00, November 17th, 2019, at Imashirozuka Kofun –



In the Imashirozuka Kofun Park, an exhibition and explanation of muography (all day),
On stage, greetings from related key persons (13: 00-13: 10)

「はにコット」ステージ会場付近 早朝のパノラマ風景(2019.10.9)


We x-ray Kofun with muography, the advanced science and technology to visualize the internal structure of large-sized ancient tomb mounds. This Imashirozuka Kofun muography project is a demonstrative model experiment towards practical application and standardization of muography to the future Kofun analysis. The resultant images will be published through academic papers, international conferences and mass media.

We collaborate with Takatsuki City and will join the Kofun festival called “Kofun Hanicott Festival” on November 17, 2019 to celebrate our new partnership and initiation of this interdisciplinary experiment, and our experimental setup prepared though the Hungarian-Japanese joint effort will be first unveiled. 


This project is jointly operated by Kansai University, International Muography Research Organization of the University of Tokyo, Takatsuki City, and Wigner Research Centre for Physics of Hungary.


Digital works are also displayed in the lobby of the Imashirozuka Ancient History Museum


Muography art is also exhibited in the lobby of the Imashirozuka Ancient History Museum


Relationship with Hungary


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共同研究の体制: 東京大学がミュオグラフィの基礎と応用研究、ハンガリーのウイグナー物理学研究センターが測定装置の開発、関西大学がミュオグラフィ測定と考古学的解釈の担当、高槻市がこれまでの調査との関連性の検討と古墳の管理を担当する。特にハンガリーは、電離式新装置の開発というこのプロジェクトには欠かせない重要な位置付けである。

Collaborative structure:The UTokyo Muographix, MTA Wigner Research Centre for Physics, and Kansai University will be respectively in charge of the fundamental and application studies, detector developments, and measurement and archaeological interpretation. Takatsuki City manage the infrastructure of this historical site and discussions with the previous studies. In particular, the Hungarian gaseous detectors are prerequisite for the current project.