近年科学の発展とともに、プロジェクションマッピングやバーチャルリアリティなどの最新科学技術を利用したサイエンスアートが注目されています。しかし、世界的に若年層の科学離れには歯止めがかからないのが現状です。この科学離れを食い止めるためには、今後アートの力をサイエンス(科学)に投入することが一つの手段として重要と考えています。サイエンスアートの分野は、日本ではいまだ未開拓の状況ですが、欧米ではいくつかの研究所などで進みつつあります。たとえば、ジュネーブにある核物理のCERN研究所では、「Arts at CERN」と題して、サイエンスアートを発信しています。
また、今回のプロジェクトを、文部科学省 次世代火山研究・人材育成総合プロジェクトとリンクさせることで「ミュオグラフィの原理から観測限界までの正しい理解」を専門家以外にもわかりやすく伝えていきたいと考えています。このホームページを楽しく親しみを持ってご覧いただければ幸いです。
プロジェクトリーダ 林 武文 (関西大学総合情報学部 教授)
About our Muography Art Project
In recent years, along with the development of science, science art using the latest information technologies such as virtual reality, augmented realty, projection mapping, and so on has attracted attention of people in public. However, it is the current situation that the young generation’s science away cannot be stopped globally. In order to make changes in this science away, I believe that it is important as a means to introduce the advantageous efficacy of art into science for the future. The field of science art is still undeveloped in Japan, but it is progressing at several laboratories and universities in Europe and the United States. For example, at the nuclear physics CERN laboratory in Geneva, entitled “Arts at CERN”, science art is being disseminated.
Therefore, on this homepage, we take up the cutting edge fluoroscopic technology muography of the University of Tokyo, which Japan is proud of worldwide as a science seed, and we widely disseminate their science and technology using science art to investigate its further possibility in our society. In order to create a new science art expression and make transmission of information in public, we intend to fuse the science art paintings with three dimensional computer graphics (3D-CG), technology to sound paintings (sound installation), and 3D- reverse perspective illusion held by researchers of the faculty of Informatics at Kansai University. In addition, we would like to invite experts of painting and design outside the university to our project to collaborate with our faculty members and students of Kansai University.
By the way, observation targets of muography include a wide range of volcanoes, historical structures (Pyramid, Kofun etc.), nuclear reactors, bridges and so on. At Kansai University, we are planning to challenge to develop this science seed to art, in collaboration with the Tokyo University Earthquake Research Institute, which is the most advanced in this field of Japan, Hiroyuki Tanaka Laboratory.
By linking this project with the Next Generation Volcano Research and Human Resources Development Project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, we would like to convey “understanding from the principle of muography to the observation limit” in an easy-to-understand manner for ordinary people. I hope you enjoy seeing this homepage with familiarity.
Takefumi Hayashi
Professor & Project Leader
Faculty of Informatics
Kansai University
Professor & Project Leader
Faculty of Informatics
Kansai University