Advanced Polymer Chemistry Lab.



原著論文 (2006- )


  1. M. Okihara, A. Matsuda, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    Design of Dual Stimuli-responsive Gels with Physical and Chemical Properties that Vary in Response to Light and Temperature and Cell Behavior on Their Surfaces
    Polym. J, 56 (3), 193-204 (2024).
  2. A. Kawamura, R. Takahashi, T. Miyata
    UCST-Type Thermoresponsive Sol–Gel Transition Triblock Copolymer Containing Zwitterionic Polymer Blocks
    Gels, 10, 288-1/13 (2024).
  3. P. Pongsanon, A. Kawamura, H. Kawasaki, T. Miyata
    Effect of Gold Nanoparticle Size on Regulated Catalytic Activity of Temperature-Responsive Polymer−Gold Nanoparticle Hybrid Microgels
    Gels, 10, 357-1/16 (2024).
  4. A. Saruwatari, Y. Kamiyama, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata, R. Tamate, T. Ueki
    Straightforward Preparation of a Tough and Stretchable Ion Gel
    Soft Matter, View Article Online.


  1. P. Pongsanon, Y. Oota, A. Kawamura, H. Kawasaki, T. Miyata
    Controllable Catalytic Activity of Temperature-Responsive Polymer Hybrid Microgels Designed Using a Gold Nanoparticle Monomer with Polymerizable Groups
    Macromolecules, 56 (23), 9853-9865 (2023). [selected as Supplementary cover]
  2. Y. Inoue, Y. Hirano, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    Reversible Regulation of Drug Release from Chiral Liquid Crystalline Polymer Micelles without Leakage
    Macromolecules, 56, 82988307 (2023).
  3. T. Noguchi, M. Higashino, N. Kodama, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    Cell Patterning on Photocrosslinkable Polymer Films with Micropatternable Surfaces
    Responsive Mater., 1, e20230007 (2023).
  4. C. Norioka, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    Relatively Homogeneous Network Structures of Temperature-Responsive Gels Synthesized via Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
    Soft Matter, 19, 2505–2513 (2023)[selected as Back cover]


  1. Y. Inoue, K. Takada, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    Amphiphilic Liquid Crystalline Polymer Micelles That Exhibit a Phase Transition at Body Temperature
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 14, 31513–31524 (2022). [selected as Supplementary cover]
  2. Y. Toyoshima, A. Kawamura, Y. Takashima, T. Miyata
    Design of Molecularly Imprinted Hydrogels with Thermoresponsive Drug Binding Sites
    J. Mater. Chem. B, 10, 66446654 (2022). [selected as Inside back cover]
  3. M. Sasaoka, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    Core–shell Gel Particles Having Zwitterionic Hydrogel Core and Temperature-responsive Shell Prepared via Inverse Miniemulsion RAFT Polymerization
    Polym. Chem., 13, 34893497 (2022).
  4. M. Okihara, K. Okuma, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    Photoresponsive Gelation of Four-Armed Poly(ethylene glycol) with Photodimerizable Groups
    Gels, 8(3), 183 (2022).
  5. T. Miyata, T. Namera, Y. Liu, A. Kawamura, T. Yamaoka
    Photoresponsive Behaviour of Zwitterionic Polymer Particles with Photodimerizable Groups on Their Surfaces
    J. Mater. Chem. B, 10, 26372648 (2022).
  6. T. Noguchi, N. Akioka, Y. Kojima, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    Photoresponsive Polymer Films with Directly Micropatternable Surface Based on the Change in Free Volume by Photo-crosslinking
    Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 9, 2101965 (2022). [selected as Inside back cover]


  1. A. Kawamura, A. Harada, S. Ueno, T. Miyata
    Weakly Acidic pH and Reduction Dual Stimuli-Responsive Gel Particles
    Langmuir,  37, 11484-11492 (2021).
  2. S. Kodama, Y. Miyamoto, S. Itoh, T. Miyata, H. Wada, K. Kuroda, A. Shimojima,
    Self-Healing Lamellar Silsesquioxane Thin Films
    ACS Appl. Polym. Mater., 3, 4118-4126 (2021).
  3. C. Norioka, Y. Inamoto, C. Hajime, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata

    A universal method to easily design tough and stretchable hydrogels

    NPG Asia Materials, 13, 34 -1/10 (2021). [selected as Top-page Graphic]


  1. Y. Inoue, Y. Atsumi, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata

    Thermoresponsive Liquid Crystalline Polymer Membranes That Undergo Phase Transition at Body Temperature

    Journal of Membrane Science 588, 117213 (2019)

  2. H. Nakaura, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata

    Reductively Responsive Gel Capsules Prepared Using a Water-Soluble Zwitterionic Block Copolymer Emulsifier

    Langmuir, 35, 1413-1420 (2019)


  1. K. Matsumoto, N. Sakikawa, T. Miyata

    Thermo-responsive Gels That Absorb Moisture and Ooze Water

    Nature Communications, 9, 2315 (2018)

  2. M. Hirayama, K. Tsuruta, A. Kawamura, M. Ohara, K. Shoji, R. Kawano, T. Miyata

    Design of protein-responsive micro-sized hydrogels for self-regulating microfluidic systems
    Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 23, 034002 (2018)

  3. R. Naraprawatphong, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata

    Preparation of Molecularly Imprinted Hydrogel Layer SPR Sensor Chips with Lectin-Recognition Sites via SI-ATRP

    Polymer Journal, 50, 261-269 (2018)


  1. C. Norioka, K. Okita, M. Mukada, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    Biomolecularly Stimuli-responsive Tetra-poly(ethylene glycol) That Undergoes Sol–gel Transition in Response to a Target Biomolecule
    Polymer Chemistry, 8, 6378-6385 (2017) [selected as Back Cover]
  2. C. Norioka, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    Mechanical and Responsive Properties of Temperature-Responsive Gels Prepared via Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
    Polymer Chemistry, 8, 6050-6057 (2017) [selected as Back Cover]
  3. K. Matsumoto, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    Conformationally Regulated Molecular Binding and Release of Molecularly Imprinted Polypeptide Hydrogels That Undergo Helix–Coil Transition
    Macromolecules, 50, 2136-2144 (2017)


  1. T. Uragami, E. Fukuyama, T. Miyata
    Selective Removal of Dilute Benzene from Water by Poly(methyl methacrylate)-graft-Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Membranes Containing Hydrophobic Ionic Liquid by Pervaporation
    J. Membrane Sci., 510, 131-140 (2016)
  2. R. Naraprawatphong, G. Kawanaka, M. Hayashi, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    Development of Protein-recognition SPR Devices by Combination of SI-ATRP with Biomolecular Imprinting Using Protein Ligands
    Molecular Imprinting, 4, 21-30 (2016)
  3. K. Matsumoto, B.D.B. Tiu, A. Kawamura, R.C. Advincula, T. Miyata
    QCM Sensing of Bisphenol A Using Molecularly Imprinted Hydrogel/Conducting Polymer Matrix Polym. J., 48, 525-532 (2016)
  4. T, Uragami, Y. Matsuoka, T. Miyata
    Permeation and Separation Characteristics in Removal of Dilute Volatile Organic Compounds from Aqueous Solutions through Copolymer Membranes Consisted of Poly(styrene) and Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Containing a Hydrophobic Ionic Liquid by Pervaporation
    J. Membrane Sci., 506, 109-118 (2016)
  5. T, Uragami, Y. Matsuoka, T. Miyata
    Removal of Dilute Benzene in Water through Ionic Liquid/Poly(vinyl chloride) Membrnes by Pervaporation
    J. Membrane Sci. Res., 2, 20-25 (2016)


  1. S. Guo, K. Matsukawa, T. Miyata, T. Okubo, K. Kuroda, A. Shimojima
    Photoinduced Bending of Self-Assembled Azobenzene−Siloxane Hybrid
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137, 15434-15440 (2015)
  2. K. Matsumoto, A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    Structural Transition of pH-responsive Poly(L-lysine) Hydrogel Prepared via Chemical Crosslinking
    Chem. Lett., 44, 1284-1286 (2015)
  3. Y. Shiraki, K. Tsuruta, J. Morimoto, C. Ohba, A. Kawamura, R. Yoshida, R. Kawano, T. Uragami, T. Miyata
    Preparation of Molecule-Responsive Microsized Hydrogels via Photopolymerization for Smart Microchannel Microvalves Macromol. Rapid Commun., 36, 515-519 (2015)[Selected as Front Cover]
  4. A. Kawamura, T. Katoh, T. Uragami, T. Miyata
    Design of Molecule-responsive Organic-inorganic Hybrid Nanoparticles Bearing Cyclodextrin as Ligands Polym. J., 47, 206-211(2015).
  5. T. Uragami, M. Banno, T. Miyata
    Dehydration of an Ethanol/Water Azeotrope through Alginate-DNA Membranes Cross-linked with Metal Ions by Pervaporation
    Carbohydrate Polym., 134, 38-45(2015)
  6. T. Uragami, T. Saito, T. Miyata
    Pervaporative Dehydration Characteristics of an Ethanol/Water Azeotrope through Various Chitosan Membranes
    Carbohydrate Polym., 120, 1-6(2015)


  1. Y. Shiraki, A. Mizutani Akimoto, T. Miyata, R. Yoshida
    Autonomous Pulsatile Flow by Peristaltic Motion of Tubular Self-Oscillating Gels
    Chem. Mater., 26, 5441-5443(2014)
  2. A. Kawamura, T. Kiguchi, T. Nishihata, T. Uragami, T. Miyata
    Target Molecule-responsive Hydrogels Designed via Molecular Imprinting Using Bisphenol A as a Template
    Chem. Commun., 50, 11101-11103(2014)[Selected as back cover]
  3. Y. Kuriu, A. Kawamura, T. Uragami, T. Miyata
    Formation of Thin Molecularly Imprinted Hydrogel Layers with Lectin Recognition Sites on SPR Sensor Chips by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
    Chem. Lett., 43, 825-827(2014)


  1. T. Uragami, J. Kishimoto, T. Miyata
    Membrane Reactor for Acceleration of Esterification Using a Special Ionic Liquid with Reaction and Separation and Microwave Heating
    Catalysis Today, 193, 57-63(2012)
  2. Y. Kuriu, M. Ishikawa, A. Kawamura, T. Uragami, T. Miyata
    SPR Signals of Three-Dimensionally Antibody-Immobilized Gel Layers Formed on Sensor Chips by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
    Chem. Lett., 41, 1660-1662(2012)
  3. T. Miyata, A. Kawamura, T. Meotoiwa, M. Matsumoto, T. Uragami
    Synthesis of Novel Nucleobase-Terminated Organosilane and Its Self-Assembly on Substrate
    Polym. J., 44, 625-631(2012)
  4. T. Miyata, T. Hayashi, Y. Kuriu, T. Uragami
    Responsive Behavior of Tumor-Marker-Imprinted Hydrogels Using Macromolecular Cross-Linkers
    J. Mol. Recognit., 25, 336-343(2012)
  5. A. Kawamura, Y. Hata, T. Miyata, T. Uragami
    Synthesis of Glucose-Responsive Bioconjugated Gel Particles Using Surfactant-Free Emulsion Polymerization
    Colloids Surf. B: Biointerfaces, 99, 74-81(2012)


  1. T. Uragami, I. Sumida, T. Miyata, T. Shiraiwa, H. Tamura, T. Yajima
    Pervaporation Characteristics in Removal of Benzene from Water through Polystyrene-Poly (Dimethylsiloxane) IPN Membranes
    Mater. Sci. Appl., 2, 169-179(2011)


  1. T. Uragami, D. Wakita, T. Miyata
    Dehydration of an Azeotrope of Ethanol/Water by Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose Membranes Cross-linked with Organic or Inorganic Cross-linker
    eXPRESS Polymer Letters, 4, 681-691(2010)
  2. T. Miyata, N. Asami, Y. Okita, T. Uragami
    Controlled Permeation of Model Drugs through a Bioconjugated Membrane with Antigen-Antibody Complexes as Reversible Crosslinks
    Polym. J., 42, 834-837(2010)


  1. T. Miyata, N. Asami, T. Uragami
    Structural Design of Stimuli-Responsive Bioconjugated Hydrogels That Respond to a Target Antigen
    J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Phys., 47, 2144-2157(2009)


  1. K. Funakoshi, T. Inada, T. Tomita, H. Kawahara, T. Miyata
    Thermal Hysteresis Induced by Ammonium Polyacrylate as Antifreeze Polymer
    J. Cryst. Growth, 310, 3342-3347(2008)


  1. T. Uragami, S. Yanagisawa, T. Miyata
    Water/Ethanol Selectivity of New Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Membranes Fabricated from Poly(vinyl alcohol) and an Oligosilane
    Macromol. Chem. Phys., 208, 756-764(2007)


  1. K. Okawa, T. Miyata, T. Uragami
    Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer by Quencher Adsorption into Hydrogels Containing Fluorophore
    J. Polym. Sci.: Part B: Polym. Phys., 44, 3245-3252(2006)
  2. T. Uragami, K. Ueguchi, M. Watanabe, T. Miyata
    Preparation of Urease-Immobilized Polymeric Membranes and Their Function
    Catalysis Today, 118, 158-165(2006)
  3. T. Miyata, N. Asami, K. Okawa, T. Uragami
    Rapid Response of a Poly(acrylamide) Hydrogels Having Semi-Interpenetrating Polymer Network (semi-IPN) Structure
    Polym. Adv. Tech., 17, 794-797(2006)
  4. T. Oshima, Y. Kogami, M. Minakuchi, T. Miyata, T. Uragami
    Pervaporation Properties of Crosslinked Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Membranes for the Removal of Hydrocarbons from Water
    J. Polym. Sci.: Part B: Polym. Phys., 44, 2079-2090(2006)
  5. T. Uragami, H. Yamada, T. Miyata
    Effects of Fluorine-Containing Graft- and Block-Copolymer Additives on Removal Characteristics of Dilute Benzene in Water by Microphase-Separated Membranes Modified with These Additives
    Macromolecules, 39, 1890-1897(2006)
  6. T. Miyata, M. Jige, T. Nakaminami, T. Uragami
    Tumor Marker-Responsive Behavior of Gels Prepared by Biomolecular Imprinting
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 103, 1190-1193(2006)

著書・総説・解説 (2006- )



  1. T. Miyata, Target Molecule-responsive Hydrogels, Chemoresponsive Materials: Smart Materials for Chemical and Biological Stimulation: Edition 2 (Ed. Hans-Jörg Schneider), RSC, Smart Materials Series, Chapter 7, 223-261 (2022).





  1. 宮田隆志,分子応答性ゲルの設計と応答挙動-研究の発想と戦略-,繊維学会誌,76 (9), 365-371 (2020).
  2. 宮田隆志,分子間相互作用を利用したスマートポリマー,高分子,69 (9), 461-464 (2020).
  3. 宮田隆志,エントロピーと高分子,高分子,69 (1), 16 (2020).






  1. 宮田隆志,序論:刺激応答性高分子の魅力と可能性,刺激応答性高分子ハンドブック(宮田隆志 監修),エヌ・ティー・エス,1-11 (2018).
  2. 河村暁文,宮田隆志,分子認識応答性ゲルの設計と応用,刺激応答性高分子ハンドブック(宮田隆志 監修),エヌ・ティー・エス,665-677 (2018).


  1. 宮田隆志,ソフトマテリアル入門-最新のソフトマテリアル研究とそれを支える分析技術,島津新素材アプリケーション集III「ソフトマテリアル」,3-7 (2018).


著 書

  1. 宮田隆志
    高分子ゲル(高分子基礎科学One Point)
    共立出版 (2017)


  1. A. Kawamura
    Design of nano- and micro-structured molecule-responsive hydrogels
    Polymer Journal, 49, 751-757 (2017)


著 書

  1. 宮田 隆志,浦上 忠
    シロキサン系元素ブロック高分子膜の構造制御と透過分離特性,元素ブロック材料の創出と応用展開(中條 善樹 監修)
    シーエムシー出版, 206-224 (2016)
  2. A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    Biosensors, “Biomaterials Nanoarchitectonics”, Ed.: M. Ebara
    Elsevier, 157-176 (2016)


  1. 河村 暁文
    高分子, 65, 431-432 (2016)


著 書

  1. A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    pH-responsive Polymer, “Encyclopedia of polymeric nanomaterials”, Eds.: S. Kobayashi, K. Müllen
    Springer-Verlag, 1619-1626 (2015)
  2. 宮田 隆志
    生体分子認識ゲル, DDSキャリア作製プロトコル集(丸山 一雄 監修)
    シーエムシー出版, 194-203 (2015)
  3. T. Miyata
    Target Biomolecule-responsive Hydrogels, “RSC Smart Materials No.14, Chemoresponsive Materials: Stimulation by Chemical and Biological Signals”, Ed.: Hans-Jörg Schneider
    RSC Publishing, 408-443 (2015)


  1. 河村 暁文
    バイオマテリアル−生体材料−, 33, 38-40 (2015)


著 書

  1. 宮田 隆志
    生体分子認識ゲル, 「ゲルテクノロジーハンドブック」, 中野 義夫 監修
    NTS出版, 101-114 (2014)
  2. 宮田 隆志
    高分子センサー,「化学便覧 応用化学編II 第7版(日本化学会編)」
    丸善, 1231-1233 (2014)


  1. 松本 和也,宮田 隆志
    高分子論文集71,125-142 (2014)


著 書

  1. T. Miyata
    Biomolecule-sensitive Hydrogels, “Smart Materials for Drug Delivery Volume 2”, Eds.: C. Alvarez-Lorenzo, A. Concheiro
  2. A. Kawamura, T. Miyata
    Biologically Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogels, “Intelligent Stimuli-Responsive Materials: From Well-Defined Nanostructures to Applications”, Ed.: Q. Li
    Wiley, 335-362 (2013)


  1. 宮田 隆志
    Colloid & Interface Communications, 38, 34-37 (2013)


著 書

  1. 宮田 隆志
    生体分子応答性ゲルの創製,「先端バイオマテリアルハンドブック」,秋吉 一成,石原 一彦,山岡 哲二 監修
    NTS出版, 497-502 (2012)


  1. 河村 暁文,宮田 隆志
    機能材料32,50-56 (2012)
  2. 河村 暁文
    理工学と技術, 19, 37-42 (2012)



  1. 宮田 隆志
    高分子60,821-825 (2011)
  2. 宮田 隆志
    化学と工業85,249-257 (2011)


著 書

  1. T. Miyata
    Biomolecule-responsive Hydrogels, “Biomedical Applications of Hydrogels Handbook”, Eds.: R.M. Ottenbrite, K. Park, T. Okano
    Springer, 65-86 (2010)
  2. 宮田 隆志
    生体分子応答性ゲル, 「食品・化粧品・医療分野へのゲルの利用」,西成 勝好,梶原 莞爾,長崎 幸夫,金田 勇 監修
    シーエムシー出版, 168-177 (2010)
  3. 宮田 隆志
    生体分子応答性ゲル, 「CSJ カレントレビュー01 驚異のソフトマテリアル-最新の機能性ゲル研究(日本化学会編)」
    化学同人, 97-103 (2010)


  1. T. Miyata
    Preparation of Smart Materials Using Molecular Complexes
    Polym. J., 42, 277-289 (2010)
