研究テーマ researchtheme

三次元配線分野 3D-LSI
新宮原教授 Prof. Shingubara

 めっき技術は、ナノテクを牽引する重要なハイテク技術の一つです。我々は無電解銅めっきでもボトムアップ堆積が可能なことを世界で初めて見出しました。3次元LSIのTSV形成においては、従来のスパッタ法によるバリア層及びシード層形成では限界があり、低温プロセスかつ均一膜形成可能な無電解めっき技術が重要な鍵を握っています。我々は2011年に貴金属触媒を用いた無電解バリア層・銅シード層の形成によって、世界で初めてオールウエットTSV形成技術に成功しました(図)。この技術では、直径2μmの高アスペクト比TSVへの貴金属触媒ナノ粒子の高密度吸着が重要な技術です。なお、本研究テーマに関しては、企業との共同研究を展開しており、実用化に向けた検討を推進しています。 (References:Electrochemical Solid-State Letters 2004, Electrochimica Acta 2011, MEE 2013)

 Si LSI technology has developed drastically for more than 40 years continuously. It realizes various IT tools such as personal computers, smart phones, digital cameras, etc. However, the trend of miniaturization called ‘Moor’s Law’ has slowed down in recent years because of explosion of cost and technological difficulties.  Three dimensional (3-D) LSI is one of most important solutions to overcome limits of Moor’s Law. 3-D LSIs has been used for mass production of NAND Flash memories, and they will be widely used for highly functional chips combined with logic LSIs, MEMS sensors, nonvolatile memories, RAM, graphical processing units, etc in near future. TSV(through Si via) is a key technology for fabricating 3-D LSIs, however, there are many difficulties when its size shrinks and a aspect ratio of depth to diameter of TSV increases. Conventional technologies using sputtered barrier and seed layers will no longer survives in the high aspect ratio TSVs. We have developed electroless barrier and seed layer plating technologies (ELP) to overcome this problem, because film deposition in ELP is intrinsically surface reaction controlled and an excellent surface coverage is obtained even for a high aspect TSV. We proposed “all-wet TSV filling process” using ELP-deposited CoWB barrier and Cu seed layers on precious metal nanoparticle catalyst in 2011 as shown in the figure. We succeeded in the conformal deposition of barrier and seed layers by ELP for a fine TSVs with aspect ratio of more than 10.  Furthermore, we continue to study this technology to realize more reliable and cost effective TSV fabrication by collaboration with companies (References:Electrochemical Solid-State Letters 2004, Electrochimica Acta 2011, MEE 2013)


ナノメモリー素子分野  Nano-Memory
新宮原教授 Prof. Shingubara


The demand for nonvolatile memories such as NAND Flash increases year by year due to development of IoT technologies. There are intensive requirements for memories such as higher storage capacity, faster operating speed, smaller energy consumption. Therefore, new nonvolatile memories have been actively researched. ReRAM (resistive random access memories) is one of most actively researched nonvolatile memories having a simple structure of meta/insulator/metal sandwiched structure. ReRAM is suitable for miniaturization and fast switching and recently mass production as a storage class memory has started. Another possibility of ReRAM is for application to artificial neural devices such as synapse. In some operation mode, ReRAM is possible to change resistance continuously according to input voltage pulse signals, and this property is important to artificial synaptic device. From these points of view, we push researches regarding the following two topics.


金属酸化物(HfOx,TaOx, etc)を二つの金属電極間に有するReRAM素子において、酸素欠損による導電性フィラメントで動作するタイプ(OxRAM)、金属フィラメントで動作するタイプ(CB RAM)の双方を比較検討しつつ、入力電圧パルスに対してほぼ連続的に抵抗増加もしくは抵抗減少の反応を示し、かつ長期間安定に動作するシナプス素子を探索する。

Proposal and fabrication of synaptic device using ReRAM technology for neural computing

There are two types of ReRAM. The one is OxRAM operated with conductive filament composed of oxygen vacancies, and the other is CB (conductive bridge) RAM operated with metallic conductive filament. We have studied both types and comparing various properties. For realizing synaptic devices, a continuous resistance changes in accordance with input voltage pulse signals and its long time stability is very important. We have been studying to find the device structure and materials to fulfil these requirements.



Investigation of a new memory based on spintronics

In the ReRAM device having ferromagnetic electrode, we found that ferromagnetic conductive filament was formed. In the nanostructured ferromagnetic materials, there are possibilities of one dimensional conductance as well as single electron related phenomena. From these points of view, we have studied ReRAMs with ferromagnetic electrode to find a new device operating principle based on spin-related conduction.


ナノ構造分野  Nano Materials


 Nano-sized materials are known to have excellent properties such as band gap widening and magnetic properties by quantum confinement effect. We have studied fabrication of these nano materials such as one dimensional nanowires and nanoholes by “self-organization” processes. We developed these technologies for fabrication of next generation nonvolatile memories, 3-dimensional interconnections, biochemical sensors, bio-mimetics, and solar batteries, etc. Our original technologies are; (1) formation of nanohole array on Si using anodic oxidation of sputtered Al films, (2) growth of single crystalline Si nanowires perpendicular to Si (001) substrate, (3) CuSn nanotrees formed by electroplating, etc. These topics have been developed by collaboration between foreign research institutes and Japanese companies. Recently we have started metal assist chemical etching (MacEtch) of Si aiming at TSV and Si nanowire formation.



 AAO (anodic oxidation of aluminium) has been used by various researchers in the world. This is a simple technology uses pure aluminium film or plate with applying voltage in acidic solutions. It has been reported in the 1990s that the ordered array of nanoholes between a few tens to hundreds nm are formed perpendicular to substrate in oxalic acid, surfuric acid, and phousphoric acid. We deposited various materials such as metals and semiconductors by electroplating as well as electroless plating in the AAO nanoholes on Si o SiO2 substrate. These structures are very useful for biosensing devices as well as high density memories.  Reference


 我々は銅と錫を特殊な条件下で同時にめっきすると、直径が数十ナノメートルスケールの枝を持つ樹枝状結晶が成長することを発見しました。この材料は各枝が高品質な単結晶であり、形状もユニークであることから、様々な用途への応用が検討されています。ナノ構造分野ではナノツリー材料の成長のメカニズムを調べ、異なる材料や形状の制御など用途に合わせたナノツリーの合成に役立てる研究をしています。 参考文献

Formation of three-dimensional CuSn nanotree and investigation of its growth mechanism

 We found that formation of nano-tree-like structures consisting of single crystal CuSn alloy nanowires branching perpendicularly from their parent branches. The nanotrees are being considered as various applications due to their unique structure and high-quality CuSn single crystal. We investigate a growth mechanism of the nanotree to contribute to control of the the intended shape of nanotree and to use other materials instead of Cu-Sn alloy. reference



Selective and high-aspect etching of semiconductor materials using metal-assisted chemical etching (MacEtch)

In MacEtch, Si is etched only at the interface of the Si and noble metal catalyst, which provides high selectivity and directionality for the etching of Si. Noble metals have been the dominant catalysts for MacEtch of Si substrate. We study about effects of the etching conditions for the formation of nano- micro-Si structure using MacEtch process.

図:左=メタルアシストエッチング法で作製した垂直シリコンナノワイヤ配列 右=電解メッキにより作製したCuSnナノツリー

バイオセンサー(ケミカルセンサー)分野 Biosensor
伊藤教授 Prof. Ito


 Molecular interaction such as PPI (protein-protein interaction) is very important for living organisms to maintain the life activity. In particular, PPIs are studied for drug discovery and basic medicine. For monitoring PPIs, many techniques are suggested based on photo fluorescence. However, this technique needs to label fluorescence materials. To monitor PPIs on the real time, some techniques such as SPR (surface plasmon resonance) and QCM (quartz crystal microbalance) are widely spread. These techniques have sensing devices, in fact, biosensors. Our group develops devices to monitor PPIs and complicated deformation of biomolecules using LSPR (Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance) and QCM. We develop these devices to improve the sensitivity by using nano structures which have large surface area.

図:左=ガラス基板上に作製した金ナノピラーアレーの電子顕微鏡写真 右=シリコン基板上に作製したZnOナノピラーアレーの電子顕微鏡写真

バイオミメティクス分野 Biomimicry
伊藤教授 Prof. Ito


 Biomimetics is one of the hot topics in the world. Recently, observation techniques such as SEM, TEM and AFM are widely spread, and we can use them easily to discuss the nano and micro-structures of living organisms. They acquire functional nano and micro structures along the course of evolution. In addition, nano and micro fabrication techniques based on top down process and bottom up process grow up. Then, we can fabricate nano and micro-structures to mimic that of living organism.
We pay attention for cicada’s wing because it shows the antireflection, super hydrophobic, low friction and antibacterial property. In particular, antibacterial property is very unique and expressed due to physicochemical property of its structure. Our group fabricates Si nanopillars by metal assisted chemical etching and shows their antibacterial property. Now, we try to work out the mechanism of antibacterial property.

図:左=クマゼミの羽と電子顕微鏡による観察例 右=クマゼミの羽表面にあるナノ構造を模して作製したシリコン基板の電子顕微鏡写真