– Professor, Faculty of Economics, Kansai University

[Office Address]

3-3-35 Yamate-cho, Suita-shi,Osaka, 564-8680 Japan






*Please change [at] to @.

Research themes

  • Transportation economics
  • Economic statistics


  • 2021 Ph. D. (Economics), University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan.
  • 1991 M.A.(Economics), University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
  • 1984 B.A.(Economics), University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan.

Work Experience

  • 2011- Professor, Faculty of Economics, Kansai University
  • 2017-2018 Guest Professor, Institute of Transportation, Vienna University of Technology
  • 2006-2011 Senior Economist, Head of Financial Historical Studies Division, Bank of Japan
  • 2003-2006 Senior Economist, Head of Price Statistics Division, Bank of Japan
  • 2001-2003 Lecturer, Hitotsubashi University
  • 1997-2001 Senior Economist, Manager of Economic Statistics Division, Bank of Japan
  • 1995-1997 Economist, Economic Planning Agency


  • Transportation economics and region
  • Economic statistics

Selected Books

  • Integrated Policy of Local public Transportation, Toyokeizai Shinchosha, 2020 (Chiiki Kokyo Kotsu no Togoteki Seisaku, Japanese)
  • Strategy for Regional Revitalization, Chikuma Shobo, 2015 (Chiiki Saisei no Senryaku, Japanese)
  • Railway Revival, Shinchosha, 2012 (Tetsudo Fukken, Japanese)
  • LRT, Seizando, 2010 (LRT. Coauthored with Sigenori Hattori, Japanese)
  • LRT in the World, JTB Publishing, 2008 (Sekai no LRT, Coauthored with Sigenori Hattori and Mikio Miura, Japanese)
  • Tramway Renaissance, Shinchosha, 2003 (Romendensha Runessansu, Japanese)
  • Economic Statistics: Applications and Issues, Toyokeizai Shinposha, 2003 (Keizaitokei no Katsuyo to Ronten, Coauthored with Masanobu Umeda, Japanese)

Selected Articles (excluding those in Japanese)

  • The impact of regional railways on travel behaviour and social capital, Reseach in Transportation Economics, November 2020.
  • Rail bonus: An empirical study onto relative valuation of railways in Austria, Transport Policy, Available online 10 April 2020.
  • The value of local railways: An approach using the contingent valuation method, Research in Transportation Economics, 69, 554─559, September 2018
  • Social capital and local public transportation in Japan, Research in Transportation Economics, 59, 434─440, November 2016
  • Local bus services in Japan: Price elasticity and public transport policy, presented in the Thredbo13, Workshop 4. Governance, Ownership and Competition in Deregulated Public Transport Markets, September 2013
  • Japan’s Financial Intermediation Structure in the 1940s: Estimation of the Flow of Funds Accounts from 1941 to 1948, Working Paper Series F61, Economic Society of Kansai University, May 2013
  • Economic Fluctuations in Japan during the Interwar Period: Re-estimation of the LTES Personal Consumption Expenditures, Monetary and Economic Studies, Volume 26, Bank of Japan’s Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, December 2008
  • Employee Stock Option in Japan: Determinants of their Issuance, their Potential Impact on Corporate Profits, and their Association with Stock Prices, Journal of Derivatives Accounting, Volume 2, No.1, World Scientific Publishing, March 2005
  • CPI Quality Adjustment and Productivity Growth: Railway Services in Japan, The Review of Income and Wealth, Volume 50, No. 3, Blackwell Publishing, September 2004
  • When will Japan Choose Light Rail Transit? Japan Railway Transport Review, No.38 East Japan railway Culture Foundation, March 2004
  • Fair Value Accounting and the SNA, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics. Volume 44, No.1, June 2003
  • Comments on “Measuring the Service Earnings of Financial Intermediaries, The role of the balance sheet in the production process,” IFC-Bulletin, No.10, October 2001


The data base provided here is the data which I have collected and estimated through my research. You can use the data without permission. However, I am not liable for any damages arising from the data. If you are interested in the data in more detail, please refer to the articles I mentioned in ‘Notes.’ 

Transportation statistics


This database provides the data of German public transportation and some basic statistics such as population, gross regional product from 1998 by ‘Land’ (region), which is used in Utsunoniya(2014). The source of this data is the “VDV Statistik” published by Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen (Association of German Transport Companies) and “Statistisches Jahrbuch” published by Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Statistical Office). “Erträge” (income) before 2000 is converted from DM into euro.

Utsunomiya, Kiyohito (2014) “Demand for local public transportation in Germany: An analysis on price elasticity” (in Japanese) The Japanese Journal of Transportation Economics,No. 57, pp. 65-72


This database provides the data of bus passengers, bus kilometers, train passengers, and passenger cars by prefecture in Japan, which is used in Utsunomiya (2013). The data source s are Chiiki Kotsu Nenpo (Regional Transport Annual) supervised by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) for bus and train passengers and passenger cars, and Jidosha Yuso Tokei Nenpo (Car transport Annual), published by MLIT, for bus kilometers.

Utsunomiya, Kiyohito (2013) “An Analysis of Demand for Local Bus in Japan” (in Japanese) The Japanese Journal of Transportation Economics,No. 56, pp. 91-98

Historical Statistics


This database provides the estimated data of financial assets and liabilities of flow of fund accounts in Japan from 1941 to 1952, which is estimated in Utsunomiya (2011) and Utsunomiya (2013). Two data sets based on market value and book value are available from 1949 to 1952. Market value means that share prices are estimated on a market value basis. The market value data has statistical continuity with official 68SNA based data published by the Bank of Japan.

Utsunomiya, Kiyohito(2011), “Sengo Fukkouki no Kin’yu Chukai Kozo nikansuru Ichikosatsu: 1949~52 Nendomatsu no Shikin Junkan Tokei no Suikei,”(An Analysis of Financial Intermediation Structure: Estimation of the Flow of funds Accounts from 1949 to 1952, Kin’yu Kenkyu vol.30 No. 1, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan Utsunomiya, Kiyohito (2013) “Japan’s Financial Intermediation Structure in the 1940’s: Estunation of the Flow of Funds Accounts from 1941 to 1948,” Working Paper Series F-61, Economic Society of Kansai University

Adjusted Real GDP Estimates(1917-1936)


This database shows the data of adjusted real GDP and its components from 1917 to 1936, which are calculated on the basis of re-estimation of LTES, Estimates of Long-Term Economic Statistics of Japan, edited by Kazushi Ohkawa et al. in Utsunomiya (2008).

Utsunomiya, Kiyohito (2008) “Economic Fluctuations in Japan during the Interwar Period:Re-Estimation of the LTES Personal Consumption Expenditures” Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, Vol.26