土田研究室の大学院生(PDM) Chayanee Wongsuriyananさんと土田の研究論文が公刊されました。Academic article by Ms. Chayanee Wongsuriyanan, our PhD. student, and me was published on International Journal of Disaster Response and Emergency Management. [2023.6.9]

土田研究室の大学院生(PDM:英語コース)Chayanee Wongsuriyananさんと土田の研究論文、”A Case Study of Disaster Risk Reduction in Schools for the Blind in Thailand”[DOI: http://doi.org/10.4018/IJDREM.324574]が、学術誌International Journal of Disaster Response and Emergency Managementにおいて公刊されました。

Academic article titled ”A Case Study of Disaster Risk Reduction in Schools for the Blind in Thailand”[DOI: http://doi.org/10.4018/IJDREM.324574] by Ms. Chayanee Wongsuriyanan, our PhD. student (PDM), and me was published on International Journal of Disaster Response and Emergency Management.