All publications (from Researchmap)

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Sakamoto, A., Van Laar, D., Moorkens, J., & do Carmo, F. (2024). Measuring translators’ quality of working life and their career motivation: Conceptual and methodological aspects. Translation Spaces, 13(1), 54–77. Open Access

Sakamoto, A., & Bawa Mason, S. (2024). In search of a fair MTPE pricing model: LSPs’ reflections and the implications for translators. Perspectives, 32(1), 1–17. Open Access

Sakamoto, A., & Yamada, M. (2022). Managing Clients’ Expectations for MTPE Services Through a Metalanguage of Translation Specifications: MPPQN Method. In R. Miyata, M. Yamada, & K. Kageura (Eds.), Metalanguages for Dissecting Translation Processes (pp. 191–199). London: Routledge. Google Books

Sakamoto, A. (2022). Translation and Technology. In K. Malmkjær (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Translation (pp. 55–74). Cambridge University Press.

Sakamoto, A. (2020). The value of translation in the era of automation: an examination of threats. In R. Desjardins, C. Larsonneur, & P. Lacour (Eds.), When translation goes digital (pp. 231–255). Palgrave Macmillan.

Sakamoto, A., & Yamada, M. (2020). Social groups in machine translation post-editing: A SCOT analysis. Translation Spaces, 9(1), 78–97.

Sakamoto, A. (2019). Why do many translators resist post-editing? A sociological analysis using Bourdieu’ s concepts. The Journal of Specialised Translation, 31, 201–216. Open Access

Sakamoto, A. (2018). Disruption in translator-client matching: paid crowdsourcing platforms vs human project managers. Revista Tradumàtica, 16, 85–94. Open Access

Sakamoto, A. (2018). Unintended consequences of translation technologies: From project managers’ perspectives. Perspectives, 27(1), 58–73.