Author Archives: Admin

A New Visitor

Mr. Hayden Pagendarm, an exchange student from Clemson University has joined our group. May this be happy and fruitful two months!

Media Coverage “Chemistry World”

Our recent “Molecular Swarm Robots” paper has been covered by “Chemistry World” journal from The Royal Society of Chemistry: “Flocks of nanorobots could form artificial muscles“.

Original Paper “DNA-assisted swarm control in a biomolecular motor system”

An original paper on “Molecular Swarm Robots”, which Aki contributed “DNA processors” to and has co-authored with Dr. Akira Kakugo of Hokkaido University, has just been published on Nature Communications! Jakia Jannat Keya, Ryuhei Suzuki, Arif Md. Rashedul Kabir, Daisuke Inoue, Hiroyuki Asanuma, Kazuki Sada, Henry Hess, Akinori Kuzuya,* and Akira Kakugo,* “DNA-assisted swarm control… Read More »