CYBCONF is a conference of Technical Committees of Cybernetics in the SMC Society. The scope of these include such areas as computational intelligence, computer vision, neural networks, genetic algorithms, machine learning, fuzzy systems, cognitive systems, decision making, and robotics, to the extent that they contribute to the theme of cybernetics or demonstrate an application of cybernetics principles. If your research keywords are close to any of the following research topics, submit your paper to CYBCONF to exchange the state-of-the-art techniques in the Cybernetics.
Awareness Computing |
Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems |
Big Data Computing |
Cognitive Situation Management |
Computational Collective Intelligence |
Computational Cybernetics |
Computational Intelligence |
Computational Life Science |
Computational Psychophysiology |
Cyber-Medical Systems |
Cyber-Enabled World |
Cybernetics For Cyber-Physical Systems |
Evolving Intelligent Systems |
Granular Computing |
Information Assurance & Intelligent Multimedia-Mobile Communications |
Intelligent Industrial Systems |
Intelligent Internet Systems |
Intelligent Vehicular Systems & Control |
Knowledge Acquisition In Intelligent System |
Machine Learning |
Medical Informatics |
Quantum Cybernetics |
Social And Economic Security |
Social Computing And Social Intelligence |
Soft Computing |