Selected Publications [TSUCHIDA Shoji]
(J): in Japanese
(JA): in Japanese with English Abstract
(JC): in Japanese and Chinese version available
(JE): in Japanese and English version available
(JK): in Japanese and Korean version available
(E): in English
(G): in German
- (J)Tsuchida,S. (ed.) 2018 Psychology of safety and risk: Safety created by mind, Tokyo: Baifukan [ISBN:978-4-563-05886-9]
- (J)Tsuchida,S. & Yamakawa,E. 2011 Introduction to data-analysis for social surveys: Invitation to empirical
sciences, New edition, Tokyo: Yuhikaku [ISBN:978-4-641-17379-8] - (J) Hirakawa,H., Tsuchida,S. & Tsuchiya,T. 2011 Risk communication, Osaka: Osaka University Press [ISBN:978-4-87259-284-9]
- (J) Tsuchida,S. & Itoh,M. 2003 Risk and affect in the youth: Benefit perspectives, Kyoto: Kitaohji-Shobo[ISBN:4-7628-2343-0]
- (J)Tsuchida,S. (ed.) 2001 Social psychology of interpersonal behavior, Kyoto: Kitaohji-Shobo [ISBN:4-7628-2211-6] [ Awarded by The Japanese Society of Social Psychology ]
- (J)Tsuchida,S. & Takemura,K. (eds.) 1996 Affects versus behavior, cognition, and physiological phenomena: Social psychology of affects, Tokyo: Seishin-Shobo[ISBN:4-414-32534-X]
- (J)Tsuchida,S. 1994 Introduction to data-analysis for social surveys: Invitation to empirical sciences, Tokyo: Yuhikaku [ISBN:4-641-06721-X]
(E) Yasuda, H., Fumoto, H., Saito, T., Sugawara, S., & Tsuchida, S., (2024), Consideration on the Intergenerational Ethics on Uranium Waste Disposal, Current Environmental Health Reports, open access. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40572-024-00442-x ]
(JA) Yasuda, H., Saito, T., Fumoto, H., Sugawara, S., Tsuchida, S., Kasa, A., Furuta, S., (2023), Investigation on the Management of Uranium-Containing Wastes in View of Humanities and Social Sciences, Japanese Journal of Health Physics, 58(3), 120-134. [DOI: http://doi.org/10.5453/jhps.58.120 ]
(E) Wongsuriyanan, C. & Tsuchida, S. (2023). A Case Study of Disaster Risk Reduction in Schools for the Blind in Thailand. International Journal of Disaster Response and Emergency Management, 6(1), 1-14. [DOI: http://doi.org/10.4018/IJDREM.324574 ]
(J) Tsuchida,S., (2022), “What is RISK COMMUNICATION in the field of atomic energy use?”, Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 64(11), 644-645. [DOI:https://doi.org/10.3327/jaesjb.64.11_644]
(JA) Tsuchida,S., Shizuma, T., Urayama, K. (2022), “Changes in response of the Japanese to COVID-19 and its vaccine till October 2021”, Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 32(1), 43-56. [DOI: http://doi.org/10.11447/jjra.SRA-0403]
(JA) NAGAMATSU, S., KOSHIYAMA, K., TSUCHIDA, S., NAGATA, S., SUGA, M., KAWATA, Y., SEKIYA, N., HIROI, U (2022), “Return migration after Disasters: A Case study of 2011 Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident”, Journal of Societal Safety Sciences, 12, 73-81. [DOI: http://doi.org/10.32286/00026528]
(JA) Urayama, K., Tsuchida,S. (2022) “Changes in people’s minds about COVID-19: Focus on the risk perception of Vaccination”, Journal of Societal Safety Sciences, 12, 47-59. [DOI: http://doi.org/10.32286/00026526]
(J) Tsuchida,S. (2022) “People’s response to Covid-19 vaccination”, IN Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences, Kansai University (ed.), “Investigation: COVID-19 disaster“, Minerva-Shobo, Pp. 230-247. [ISBN: 978-4-623-09341-0]
(JA) Tsuchida,S., Motoyoshi, T., Kondo, D., Shizuma, T., Urayama, K., Omura, K. (2021) “Response of the Japanese to COVID-19 till August 2020”, Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 31 (2), 79-88. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.11447/jjra.SRA-0360]
(E) Tsuchida,S. 2021 “Crisis Communication at the Fukushima Accident and the Concept of Crisis Management: What is the information dissemination for?“, Insights Concerning the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident: Volume 1: Fears and Concerns Just After the Accident, and Anxiety about Radiation, 224-228, Atomic Energy Society of Japan.
(J) Tsuchida,S. Tsuchida, S. 2021 “How and what did the Japanese people react to COVID-19 pandemic on August 2020?”, IN Kansai Univ.(ed.), COVID-19 pandemic drove the public into mayhem, so Kansai Univ. tried to consider on it, Naniwa-sha. Pp. 88-101. [ISBN: 978-4-88854-535-8]
(JA) Tsuchida,S., Shizuma, T., Urayama, K. 2021 “Risk perception and attitude formation of Covid-19 vaccine in December 2020: Online questionnaire survey with 2,500 respondents”. Journal of Societal Safety Sciences, 11, 137-150. [DOI: http://doi.org/10.32286/00023053 ]
(JA) Kondo, S., Tsuchida,S. 2021 “Summary Report on Actual Situation of Overseas Japanese under COVID-19 Crisis“. Journal of Societal Safety Sciences, 11, 125-136. [ISSN: 2186-0823(online)]
(JA) Shizuma, T., Tsuchida,S., Kanoshima, E., Suga, M. 2020 “Transition of the Concept of Vulnerable People at Disaster and Proposal of the Capability Approach for the Vulnerable People”. Journal of Societal Safety Sciences, 10, 3-13. [Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/10112/00020162]
(J) Tsuchida, S. 2019 “Diversity of risk analysis in our society, and SRA Asia. (Editorial)”, Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 29(1), 1-2. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.11447/sraj.29.1 ]
(J) Tsuchida, S. 2019 “Risk communication.”, The Society for Risk Analysis- Japan (ed.) The encyclopedia of risk research, Pp. 208-211, Maruzen Shuppan. [ISBN:978-4-621-30381-8]
(J) Tsuchida, S. 2019 “Risk perception and Heuristic.”, The Society for Risk Analysis- Japan (ed.) The encyclopedia of risk research, Pp. 216-219, Maruzen Shuppan. [ISBN:978-4-621-30381-8]
(E) Tsuchida,S., Kondo,S., Koshiyama,K. 2018 “Contemporary Societies and Risk”, IN Abe, S., Ozawa, M., Kawata, Y.(eds.), “Science of Societal Safety: Living at time of risks and disasters”(Open Access), Pp.27-36. Springer. [DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-2775-9_3]
(E) Tsuchida,S. 2017 “The Government and TEPCO Problems in Communicating Information with the Public during the Fukushima-1 NPP Accident.”,IN Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences(ed.), THE FUKUSHIMA AND TOHOKU DISASTER, pp.287-308. Elsevier / Butterworth-Heinemann. [ISBN: 978-0128140789]
(J) Kubo, M., Tsuchida, S., & Shizuma, T. 2017 “A study on disaster-related deaths associated with the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima Prefecture.”, Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 59(12): 727-731. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.3327/jaesjb.59.12_727 ]
(E) He, Z., Zhai, G., Asami, Y., & Tsuchida,S. 2016 “Migration intentions and their determinants: Comparison of college students in China and Japan”, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 25(1): 62-84. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0117196815621203 ]
(E) Tsuchida,S., Shiotani,T., Tsujikawa,N., & Nakagawa,Y. 2016 “Social Capital, Mutual Aids in Disasters, and Evaluation on Neighborhood’s Disaster-Preparation: Comparison between the States of Volunteer-Firefighter
and the States of Career-Firefighter in the United States“, Safety Science Review, 6, 21-38.[ISSN: 2186-0823(online), 2186-0815(print)]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2016 “Risk communication after Fukushima-Daiichi NPP accident”, IN Faculty of Safety Science, Kansai University (ed.), “Investigating 5-year-recovery from the Great East Japan Disaster 2011“, Minerva-Shobo. Pp. 308-332. [ISBN:978-4-623-07630-7]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2016 Social psychology of risk communication, in K. Kondo (ed.) “Legal engineering for practical use of new technologies: Laws to respond risks and to secure safety“. Minjiho-Kenkyukai Pp. 135-156. [ISBN: 978-4-86556-066-4]
(E) Tsujikawa, N., Tsuchida,S., & Shiotani, T. 2016 “Changes in the Factors Influencing Public Acceptance of Nuclear Power Generation in Japan Since the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster”, Risk Analysis, 36(1), 98-113. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/risa.12447 ]
(E) Wu, Y., Zhai, G., Li, S., Ren, C., & Tsuchida,S. 2014 “Comparative research on NIMBY risk acceptability between Chinese and Japanese college students.”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186(10): 6683-6694. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-014-3882-7 ]
(JA) Shinoda, Y., Tsuchida,S., Kimura, H. 2014 “Periodical public opinion survey on nuclear energy. (Inhabitants living in the Tokyo metropolitan area)”. Transactions of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 13(3): 94-112. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.3327/taesj.J13.018 ]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2014 “A communication method beyond the gap between citizens and experts (1): Psychological barrier between them shown by social surveys”. Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 56(4): 245-249. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.3327/jaesjb.56.4_245 ]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2014 “Risk perception and behaviors of the Japanese after the North-East Japan Disaster 2011.” IN Faculty of Safety Science, Kansai University (ed.), “Safety Science for Prevention and Mitigation against Natural Disasters“, Minerva-Shobo. Pp. 65-80. [ISBN: 978-4-623-06943-9]
(JA) Shiotani,T., Nakahara, K., & Tsuchida,S. 2013 “The relation among intragroup relational cognition, collective efficacy, and the civic intention of participation and acceptance in the community: A questionnaire study in Nara”, Japanese Journal of Social Psychology, 29(2): 113-119. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.14966/jssp.KJ00008993921 ]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2013 “What the public want in nuclear use”. Journal of the Heat Transfer Society of Japan, 52(219): 61-67. [ISSN:1344-8692]
(E) Tsuchida,S., Tsujikawa,N., Shiotani,T., & Nakagawa,Y. 2013 “Comparing disaster perception in Japan and the US”, IN S. Ikeda & Y. Maeda (eds.) “Emerging Issues Learned from the 3.11 Disaster as Multiple Events of Earthquake, Tsunami and Fukushima Nuclear Accident“, The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan, Pp. 59-61.
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2013 “Social psychology of accidents.” IN Faculty of Safety Science, Kansai University (ed.), “Safety Science for Accident Prevention and Mitigation“, Minerva-Shobo, Pp. 182-198. [ISBN:978-4-623-06568-4]
(E) Ma, H., Zhai, G., & Tsuchida,S. 2013 “Risk literacy and risk perception among undergraduates in China: Case of BSE”, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 19(2): 526-537. [ [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10807039.2013.755101 ]
(JA) Tsuchida,S. 2012 “Crisis communication at NPP-Fukushima1 accident”, The Thermal and Nuclear Power, No. 675 (vol. 63(12)), 38-43. [ISSN:0387-1029].
(JA) Shiotani,T., Tsuchida,S., &Tsujikawa,N. 2012 “Determinants of trust in government with regard to nuclear power: The role of political collective efficacy and perception of civic social relationships”, The Japanese Journal of Applied Psychology, 38(2): 99-105. [ISSN:0387-4605] [Awarded by The Japan Association of Applied Psychology]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2012 “What is risk communication?: A suggestion by safety psychology”. The Japanese Journal of Health Behavioral Science, 27: 10-19. [ISSN:0914-1073]
(JA) Shiotani,T., Tsuchida,S., &Tsujikawa,N. 2012 “Effects of ingroup entitativity on attitude toward risk plants”, Safety Science Review, 2: 49-57. [ISSN:2186-0823(Online)]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2012 “Affective heuristic and linguistic representation in risk perception & judgment”. Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Vol. 76 (No. 787), Pp. 374-383. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1299/kikaib.78.374 ]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2012 “Crisis communication at the Fukushima accident and the concept of crisis management”. Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan. Vol. 54, No. 3, Pp. 181-183. [ISSN:1882-2606]
(JK) Tsuchida,S. & Hirose, Y. 2012 “Citizens’, consumers’, and foreigners’ responses to the Fukushima accident”. IN Faculty of Safety Science, Kansai University (ed.), “Investigating the North-East Japan Disaster 2011“, Minerva-Shobo, Pp. 253-277. [ISBN:978-4-623-06230-0]
(E) Ma, H., Zhai, G., & Tsuchida,S. 2011 “Empirical Research on Risk Literacy and Perception of Undergraduates in Mainland China: A Case of BSE”. IN C.Huang, J. Oritz, and S. Sears(eds.), “Beyond Experience in Risk Analysis and Crisis Response“, Atlantis Press, Pp. 233-238 [ISBN:978-94-91216-01-5]
(E) Tsuchida,S. 2011 “Affect Heuristic with ‘good-bad’ Criterion and Linguistic Representation in Risk Judgments”, Journal of Disaster Research, 6(2): 219-229.] [DOI; https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2011.p0219 ]
(JA) Tsujikawa,N., Tsuchida,S., & Shiotani,T. 2011 “Effects of perceptions of the necessities and anxieties associated with nuclear power on motivation for considering nuclear power generation”, Sociotechnica, 8: 74-81. [ISSN:1882-4609(Online)]
(E) Tsuchida,S. 2010 “Researches at the Society for Risk Analysis, Japan”, Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 20(1): 9-14. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.11447/sraj.20.9 ]
(JA) Tsuchida,S. 2010 “Being canvassed for commodities futrures contracts and “trust” in the salespersons: Case studies of the victims”., Kansai University Psychological Research, 1: 25-40.[ISSN:2185-0070]
(J) Tsuchida,S., Tsujikawa,N., & Shiotani,T. 2010 “The BSE movement and the people’s awareness of food safety in the Republic of Korea”. IN Survey & Data Series No. 107 (Interpersonal relations and risks in the contemporary societies), Institute of Economic and Political studies, Kansai University. Pp. 1-35.[ISBN:978-4-901522-31-1]
(G) Peters,H.P., Brossard,D., Cheveigné,S., Dunwoody,S, Heinrichs,H., Jung,A., Kallfass,M., Miller,S., Petersen,I., Tsuchida,S., Cain,A. & Paquez,A., 2009 “Medialisierung der Wissenschaft und ihre Relevanz für das Verhältnis zur Politik”, IN Peters,H.P. (Hrsg.), Medienorientierung biomedizinischer Forscher im internationalen Vergleich: Die Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft & Journalismus und ihre politische Relevanz, Forschungszentrums Jülich. Pp. 9-43. [ISBN:978-3-89336-597-5]
(G) Peters,H.P., Brossard,D., Cheveigné,S., Dunwoody,S, Kallfass,M., Miller,S., Tsuchida,S., Cain,A. & Paquez,A., 2009 “Kontakte biomedizinischer Forscher mit Journalisten und Öffentlichkeit: internationaler Vergleich von Erfahrungen und Einstellungen in Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Japan und den USA”, IN Peters,H.P. (Hrsg.), Medienorientierung biomedizinischer Forscher im internationalen Vergleich: Die Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft & Journalismus und ihre politische Relevanz, Forschungszentrums Jülich. Pp. 45-99. [ISBN:978-3-89336-597-5]
(JA) Tsujikawa,N., Tsuchida,S., Koike, F., Tanigaki, T., & Nagaoka, Y. 2009 “Information transmission behavior of citizens after the risk messages were presented”., Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 19(4): 11-19. [ISSN:0915-5465]
(JA) Tsuchida,S., Kinoshita, T., Nakayachi, K., & Tanaka, Y. 2009 “Which has more effects on risk perception and judgments, Affect or Reason?: Effects of appeals in risk communication”., Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 19(2): 45-55. [ISSN:0915-5465]
(JA) Tanigaki, T., Tsuchida,S., Tsujikawa,N., Koike, F., & Nagaoka, Y. 2009 “The effects energy shortage information has on provider trust due to the primary attitude towards nuclear power: Experimental study on risk communication”., Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 19(2): 57-68. [ISSN:0915-5465]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2009 “A social psychological discussion on risk perception and judgments: Including application to consumer behaviors”., IN Annual Report 2008, Institute of Economic and Political Studies, Kansai University. 129-138
(E) Peters,H.P., Brossard, D., Cheveigne, S., Dunwoody, S., Kallfass, M., Miller, S., & Tsuchida, S. 2008 “Science-Media Interface: It’s Time to Reconsider”, Science Communications, vol. 30, No.2 : 266-276. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1075547008324809 ]
(E) Peters,H.P., Brossard, D., Cheveigne, S., Dunwoody, S., Kallfass, M., Miller, S., & Tsuchida, S. 2008 “Interactions with the Mass Media“, Science, vol. 321: 204-205. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1157780 ]
(JA) Nakayachi,K., Tanaka,Y., Tsuchida,S, & Kinoshita,T. 2008 ” Judgment of Public Acceptance of a Technology Accompanied by the Risk of Potential Disasters: Logic, emotion and value”, Annual Report, Doshisha Research Center for Human Security, 5: 35-50 [ISSN:1349-2195]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2006 “Perception of SAFETY and ANSHIN in society”., IN The Society for Risk Analysis-Japan(ed.), Handbook of risk research, Revised and Enlarged Edition. Tokyo: Hankyu Communications. Pp.384-385. [ISBN:4-484-06211-9]
(E) Tsuchida,S. & Pergar-Kuščer,M. 2006 “Female perception of risk with regard to cultural background”.,
Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University, 37(3): 39-53. [ISSN:0287-6817]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2005 “What is the “emotion” having effects on eyewitnesses’ and victims’ memories?: Comments on Ochi’s article”, Japanese Psychological Review, 48(3): 316-320. [ISSN:0386-1058]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2005 “Do we have a new stream of risk research?: Benefit analysis as a risk research”, Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 15(2): 1-3, Editorial, [ISSN:0915-5465]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2002 “Researches on persuasion as attitude-change”, IN Fukada,H.(ed.), Handbook of persuasion psychology. Kyoto: Kitaohji-Shobo Pp.45-90 [ISBN:4-7628-2266-3]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2001 “Atttitude accessibility & Elaboration likelihood model”, IN Yamamoto,M., et al (eds.), Handbook of social cognition. Kyoto: Kitaohji-Shobo Pp.240-243 [ISBN:4-7628-2225-6]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2001 “Consumer’s decision making, attitudes, and the self-concept”, IN Abe, S.(ed.), New directions of researches on consumer behavior. Hyogo: Kwansei Gakuin University Press. Pp.127-147 [ISBN:4-907654-25-1]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2001 “Theories of psychological determinants on intimate relationship and the practices in young people”, Economic & Political Studies Series (The Institute of Economic and Political Studies, Kansai University), No. 123:50-84
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2001 “The information spaces in megalopolis Tokyo” IN Fujita, N. (ed.), Tokyo: Aspects of the megaspaces. Tokyo: Daimeido. Pp.128-165 [ISBN: 4-470-55058-2]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 2000 “Anxiety induced by luck of information”, IN The Society for Risk Analysis: Japan-Section(ed.), Handbook of risk research. Tokyo: TBS Britannica. Pp.288-289 [ISBN:4-484-00407-0]
(JA) Tsuchida,S. 2000 “Zero-risk perception in Japan: A pilot study”., Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University, 31(2/3):257-279 [ISSN:0287-6817]
(JA) Nakaune,N., Hirose,H., Ishizuka,T., & Tsuchida,S. 1998 “Relationship between AIDS Risk Perception and Mass Communication Exposure.”, Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 10(1): 58-64. [ISSN:0915-5465]
(E) Hirose,H., Nakaune,N., Ishizuka,T., Tsuchida,S. & Takanashi,Y. 1998 “A Study on the Role of AIDS Mass Communication: How Does Mass Media Affect HIV Testing Behavior?”, Japanese Psychological Research, 40(4): 246-255 [ISSN:0021-5368]
(E) Ando,K., Tsuchida,S., Imai,Y., Shiomura,K., Murata,K., Watanabe,N., Nishida,K., & Genjida,K. 1998 “College students and religious groups in Japan: How are they influenced and how do they perceive the group members. “, Japanese Psychological Research, 40(4): 206-220 [ISSN:0021-5368] [ Awarded by The Japanese Psychological Association ]
(JA) Tsuchida,S. 1998 “Discussion on attitude-structures and self-concept”., Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University, 29(3): 171-179 [ISSN:0287-6817]
(JA) Tsuchida,S. 1997 “Effects of governmental regulation and information disclosure on public acceptance”., Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 8(1): 96-104 [ISSN:0915-5465]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 1996 “An educational and social psychological discussion on IJIME(bullying among school-children)”., Bulletin of Teacher Training Courses, Meiji University, 18: 28-39
(J) Tsuchida,S. 1995 “Effects of emotion on cognitive attitude structure”., Memoirs of the Institute of Social Sciences, Meiji University, 33(2): 287-300
(J) Tsuchida,S. 1994 A model of decision making processes in consumer behavior”. IN Akuto,H. (ed.), Social psychology of consuming behavior, Tokyo: Fukumura-Shuppan. Pp.77-95 [ISBN:4-571-25202-1]
(J) Akuto,H. & Tsuchida,S. 1994 “Economic psychological approaches to consumer behavior”., IN Akuto,H. (ed.), Social psychology of consuming behavior, Tokyo: Fukumura-Shuppan. Pp.12-33 [ISBN:4-571-25202-1]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 1994 “Consumer attitude structure: A linkage-model of attitude structure”, Advances in Consumer Studies, 1(2): 1-12
(J) Tsuchida,S. 1993 “A study of social attitude measurement: Validity of a computer-aided-measurement”., Memoirs of the Institute of Social Sciences, Meiji University, 31(2): 239-258
(JA) Tsuchida,S. 1992 “Review of researches on social attitudes”., Research in Social Psychology, 7(3): 147-162 [DOI: https://doi.org/10.14966/jssp.KJ00003725185 ]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 1992 “Effects of cognitive work through attitude formation processes on cognitive structure of attitudes”., The Bulletin of Arts and Science, Meiji University, 249: 1-26
(J) Tsuchida,S. 1991 “Psychological foundations of justice”., Bulletin of Teacher Training Courses, Meiji University, 13: 1-19
(E) Tshuchida,S. 1990 “Effects of thinking about target object on resistance to attitude change and on social judgment”, The Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 29(3): 45-52 [DOI: https://doi.org/10.2130/jjesp.29.3_45 ]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 1990 “Advertisement and consumption”., IN Daibo,I.,
Ando,K., & Ikeda,K. (eds.) Perspectives in social psychology 3, Tokyo: Seishin-Shobo Pp.113-134 [ISBN:4-414-32413-0]
(J) Tsuchida,S. 1989 “Elaboration likelihood model in persuasion”., IN Daibo,I., Ando,K., & Ikeda,K. (eds.) Perspectives in social psychology 1, Tokyo: Seishin-Shobo Pp.236-250 [ISBN:4-414-32411-4]
(JA) Tsuchida,S. 1988 “Consumers’ attitude formation processes”., Marketing Science, 32: 1-10
(JA) Tsuchida,S. 1988 “Covariance structure analysis”., The Japanese Journal of Interpersonal Behavior, 7: 19-27 [ISSN:0915-4922]
(JA) Tsuchida,S. 1986 “A hypothesis of attitude formation processes based on the studies of consumers’ decision making processes”., The Japanese Journal of Interpersonal Behavior, 5: 13-21 [ISSN:0915-4922]
(JA) Tsuchida,S. 1986 “Causal model of consuming behaviors with economic
factors and psychological factors: The influence of the housing loans in Japan”., Marketing Science, 27: 13-28
(JA) Tsuchida,S. 1985 “Effects of thinking about target object on social judgment”., The Japanese Journal of Psychology, 55(6): 356-361 [DOI: https://doi.org/10.4992/jjpsy.55.356 ]
(JA) Tsuchida,S. & Hanazawa,S. 1984 “Effect of hypnotized negative feeling toward target object on social judgment”., Japanese Journal of Hypnosis, 28(2): 18-21 [ISSN:0581-3131]
- (JE)Tsuchida,S. 1995 “Affects about nuclear power and effect of information disclosure”., Survey Report on Japanese attitudes toward nuclear power, 1994, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum Pp.152-161
- (E)Tsuchida, S, Kono, K., Sararit, T., Nomoto, S., Wongsuriyanan, C., Urayama, K., Shizuma, T. 2024 “Panic Behaviors in Natural Disaster: A psychological experiment with VR system in northern Thailand.”, The Society for Risk Analysis, Annual meeting 2024 [Austin] [Poster Platform]
- (E)Tsuchida, S 2024 “How should we think about responsibility to the future generations?”, Social Sciences and Humanities in the Management of the Recovery Process after the Fukushima Accident Workshop [Osaka] [Oral]
- (E)Tsuchida, S 2023 “Risk Communications by Japanese government at Fukushima-Daiichi NPP Accident”, Structural Engineering Forum, Asian Institute of Technology [Bangkok] [Invited Lectur]
- (E)Tsuchida, S 2023 “Concept of Safety and Risk And Human Perception of Environment”, Selected topic in built environment human-centered design (HCD) research and innovation, Graduate school of Architecture, Chiang Mai University, [Chiang Mai] [Invited Lecture]
- (E)Tsuchida, S 2022 “The Japanese response to COVID -19 pandemic and its vaccination”, SRA Asia Conference 2022 [Seoul & online] [Keynote Speech]
- (E)Tsuchida, S 2022 “Ethical and societal considerations associated with future generations in the application of the concepts of tolerability and reasonableness.” International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP): Task Group 114 [Reasonableness and Tolerability in the System of Radiological Protection] meeting [online] [Oral]
- (E)Tsuchida, S., Zhai, G., Urayama, K., Shizuma, T. , Kubo, M., Omura, K. 2020 “Chinese Panic Behaviors in Earthquakes.” The Society for Risk Analysis, Annual Meeting 2020 [online] [Poster]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2020 “Safety and risk in social psychological perspective.” International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Task Group (TG) 114 – 2nd meeting [Lisbon] [Oral]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2019 “Human Behaviors in Emergency: Panic in disasters in China.” The 7th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response [Athens] [Plenary Speech]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2019 “Crisis Communication at Fukushima NPP Accident in 2011.” International Symposium on Strategy of Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Growth [Osaka] [Oral] (Presentation Movie available here)
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2019 “Panic behaviors in disasters in China.” The 2019 Workshop on Compassion Research and Pro-social Decision Making [Eugene] [Oral]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2018 “People of Fukushima after NPP disaster.” Symposium on Population Migration and Repatriation Following Major Disasters [Los Angeles] [Oral]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2018 “God’s Altruism: Cultural difference of responsibility for safety.” The 2018 Workshop on Compassion Research and Pro-social Decision Making [Eugene] [Oral]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2018 “Mass Panic Phenomena at Disasters in China Comparison to Japan and the US.” Global Conference on the International Network of Disaster Studies in Iwate, Japan [Morioka] [Oral]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2018 “Psychology and Risk Analysis.” The Society for Risk Analysis Asia conference 2018 [Takatsuki] [Keynote speech (invited)]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2018 “Collective Behaviors in War.” (IN Special Symposium “Homeland Security and Risk Analysis: Under the military tension in Korean Peninsula.”) The Society for Risk Analysis Asia conference 2018 [Takatsuki] [Panelist (invited)]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2017 “Risk communication at disaster: based on Fukushima-1 NPP accident case.”
International Symposium on Urban Disaster Mitigation [Taizhou] [Oral (invited)] - (JC)Tsuchida, S. 2017 “Learning from the Risk Communications at Fukushima-Daiichi NPP Accident,” 2017 Banaqia Symposium on Disaster Jurisprudence [Beichuan, Sichuan] [Oral (invited)]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2017 “Risk Communications at Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident,” Universiti Utara Malaysia / Kansai University Joint Research Seminar on Disaster [Sintok] [Oral (invited)]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2017 “Investigating Risk Communications by Japanese Government at Fukushima-Daiichi
NPP Accident,” From the Management of Crisis to the Governance of Risk: [Haikou] [Oral (invited)] - (E)Tsuchida, S. 2016 “Investigating Risk Communication at Fukushima-Daiichi NPP Accident,” The Society for Risk Analysis, Annual Meeting 2016 [San Diego] [POSTER]
- (E)Tsuchida, S., Shiotani, N., & Tsujikawa,N. 2014 “Social Capital, Mutual Aids in Disasters, and Evaluation on Neighborhood’s Disaster-Preparation: Comparison between the States of Volunteer-Firefighter and the States of Career-Firefighter in the United States,” The Society for Risk Analysis, Annual Meeting 2014 [Denver] [POSTER PLATFORM]
- (E)Nakagawa,Y., Tsuchida, S., Tsujikawa,N., & Shiotani,T. 2014 “Effects of risk judgment tendency on the language representation of risk at The Tohoku Disaster: A comparison between Japanese and American,”
8th International Conference on Applied Psychology [Paris] [POSTER] - (E)Tsuchida, S. 2013 “Japanese citizens’ risk perception toward nuclear power (IN Session “Nuclear power: Advancing technology and social consent),”The Joint Japan – IAEA Nuclear Energy Management School [Tokyo] [INVITED LECTURE & DISCUSSION]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2012 “The disaster 3.11in Japan: Resilience in Tohoku compared with the US, “Society for Risk Analysis, China, The 5th Annual Meeting [Nanjing] [INVITED LECTURE]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2012 “Comparing disaster perceptions in Japan and the US”,World Congress on Risk 2012 [Sydney] [ORAL]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2012 “Community and resilience in Tohoku, Japan after the disaster 3.11.”,2nd Annual Asia Public Policy Forum: Disaster Management in Asia [Singapore]
[SYMPOSUIM (Moderator: invited)] - (E)Tsuchida, S. 2011 “Calm panic of the Japanese against the complex disaster 3-11.”,The Society for Risk Analysis, 2011 Annual Meeting [Charleston, SC] [ORAL]
- (JE) Tsuchida, S. 2011 “Crisis communication and management at the Fukushima accident”., IN Panel Session “PR and Communication Activities Hereafter”, The 31st KAIF – JAIF Seminar on Nuclear Industry [Seoul] [SYMPOSUIM (invited)]
- (JE) Tsuchida, S. 2011 “Crisis communication at the Fukushima accident”., IN Panel Session “Impact to the Society”, The 26th Japan-Taiwan Nuclear Safety Seminar [Tokyo] [SYMPOSUIM (invited)]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2011 “How do the Japanese feel and think about the Crisis?.”, Disaster Management in Asia Seminar Series [Japan in Crisis: Exploring the Consequences of a Cascading Disaster], Harvard Kennedy School[Boston] [SYMPOSUIM (invited)]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2010 “Risk psychology as a risk analysis.”,Nanjing University[Nanjing] [INVITED LECTURE]
- (E)Shiotani, T., Tsuchida, S., & Tsujikawa, N. 2009 “The influence of community entitativity on polotical trust.”, 8th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology[Delhi] [POSTER]
- (E)Sekizawa, J. & Tsuchida, S. 2009 “Cross cultural/dietary study on risk/benefit perception of main food products between Japan and Western Countries”.,The Society for Risk Analysis, 2009 Annual Meeting [Baltimore] [POSTER PLATFORM]
- (E)Tsuchida,S. 2009 “Characteristics of Risk Communication in Japan and Korea.”, Asia Risk Analysis and ManagementConference 2009[Beijing] [ORAL]
- (E)Tsuchida,S. 2008 “Risk perception of the Japanese: which has more effects on risk perception, affect or reason?”,The Society for Risk Analysis, 2008 Annual Meeting[Boston] [POSTERPLATFORM]
- (E)Tsuchida, S. 2008 “Risk researches in Japan: their globalization and locality”, IN International Symposium “The Past and the Future of Risk Analysis”, 21st Annual Conference of Society for Risk Analysis, Japan[Osaka] [SYMPOSUIM]
- (E)Tsuchida,S., Tsujikawa,N., Koike,F.,Tanigaki,T., andNagaoka,Y. 2008 “Effects of anxiety and disposition to trust in others on attitudes and information exploring behaviors in risk communication”,The XXIX International Congress of Psychology[Berlin] [POSTER]
- (E)Peters,H.P.&Tsuchida,S.2008 “Cross-national differences in scientists’ implicit models of public communication.”,INsymposium “Science and Media: A cross-national analysis of biomedical researchers’ interactions wity the media and the rol of organizational science PR.”,The International Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST-10)[Malmo] [SYMPOSUIM]
- (E)Tsuchida,S. 2008 “The concept of risk in the psychological veiwpoint.”,IN symposium “Risk governance in sustainability”,The 1st China-Japan Science Forum on Environmental Changes, Bio-resources,
and Gloval Warming[Beijing] [SYMPOSUIM] - (E)Tsuchida,S., Tsujikawa,N., Koike,F., Nagaoka,Y., andTanigaki,T.2007 “Effects of Fear of Insufficient Benefits on Risk Perception of Nuclear Power: An Experimental Research of Risk Communication”,Society for Risk Analysis, Annual meeting 2007[San Antonio] [POSTER]
- (E)Tsuchida,S. 2007 “Risk management and communication with the public in Japan:Social application of risk analysis.”,Korean Society for Risk Governance[Seoul] [INVITED LECTURE]
- (E)Tsuchida,S.2007 “Scientists’ representations of media” (IN symposium “How scientists interact with the media: An international analysis”),173rd National Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS): Science and Technology for Sustainable Well-Being[San Francisco] [SYMPOSUIM]
- (E)Uda,K.,Honda,R.,, andTsuchida,S.,2005″Effects of general trust and locus of control on risk perception”.,Society for Risk Analysis, Annual meeting 2005:Past, present, and future of rsk analysis[Orlando] [POSTER PLATFORM]
- (E)Tsuchida,S. 2005 “Basic concepts of risk communication: A social psychological approach”.,International Forum on Risk Perception and Communication, Korean Society for Risk Governance[Seoul] [INVITED LECTURE]
- (E)Tsuchida,S. 2004 “Linguistic representation of high level radio active waste: Applying Linkage-Model to risk communication”.,Society for Risk Analysis, Annual meeting 2004: The profession and the future[Palm Springs] [ORAL]
- (E)Tsuchida,S., Nagano,K., Itoh,M., Ando,K., Hirano,H., Maeno,H., Konno,H., and Suzuki,Y 2004 “Social surveys on the Japanese perception of risks in energy related activities (1):Metropolitan-area-survey, rural-area-survey, students-survey”.,International Joint Conference on Risk Assessment and Management [Seoul] [ORAL]
- (E)Tsuchida,S. 2004 “Risk perception and Linkage Model of decision making”., 28th International Congress of Psychology[Beijing] [ORAL]
- (E)Tsuchida,S.Pergar-Kuscer,M., Englander,T. 2003 “Cross-cultural comparison of risk perception toward nuclear issues between Hungary, Slovenia, UK, and Japan. : A linkage-model analysis”.,International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology: Sixth European Regional Congress[Budapest] [ORAL]
- (E)Tsuchida,S. & Kawabata,M. 2001 “The Japanese psychological and demographic determinants of zero-risk perception and attitude structures: A linkage model analysis”.,Society for Risk Analysis, Annual meeting 2001: Risk analysis in an interconnected world[Seattle] [ORAL]
- (E)Tsuchida,S., Kitada,A., & Ato,K. 2000 “A study on determinants of risk perception and attitude structures concerning nuclear power technology”., 5th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management[Osaka] [ORAL]
- (E)Tsuchida,S., Ikari,T., & Nakagawa,H. 1998 “The zero-risk perception among the Japanese female aged 20s and 30s”.,The First China-Japan Conference on Risk Assessment and Management[Beijing] [ORAL]
- (E)Tsuchida,S. 1995 “Japanese perceived risk and attitudes toward energy and technology, compared with the U.S. and France”.,Society for Risk Analysis, The 18th Annual conference and exposition[Honolulu] [ORAL]
- (E)Tsuchida,S. 1994 “Attitude of the youth in Tokyo metropolitan area toward AIDS”.,Tenth International Conference on AIDS[Yokohama] [POSTER]
- (E)Tsuchida,S. 1990 “Quantity of cognitive work makes difference of quality of attitude”.,The 22nd International Congress of Applied Psychology[Kyoto] [POSTER]