New paper

2021/10/05 Our new paper has been published in Inorganic Chemistry. Aqueous Synthesis of Manganese Phosphate Hydrate Crystals for Creating Inorganic Pigment MaterialsHiroaki Uchiyama, I. Okumura, S. Inoue, M. Kato and M. …

New paper

2021/03/15 Our new paper, a collaboration with Prof. Vadim Kessler and Prof. Gulaim Seisenbaeva (the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden), has been published in Inorganic Chemistry. Single-Source Alkoxide …

New paper

2021/02/20 Our new paper has been published in RSC advances. Aqueous synthesis of tin- and indium-doped WO3 films via evaporation-driven deposition and their electrochromic propertiesHiroaki Uchiyama, Yoshiki Nakamura, Seishiro IgarashiRSC Adv., …